Welcome to our training

We offer workouts all year round (no interruption)


Next pages: Who are we? and Valentine's Day Run

Tuesday evening runs are held at Buttes Chaumont park at 7:25pm.
We meet at 7:25 pm at the main entrance of the park in front of city hall of 19eme.
To access the locker rooms, go to Pailleron Sports Center at 7pm (24 rue Edouard Pailleron, Staton
Laumière, line 5).
The run, accessible to all levels, consists of two warm-up laps around the pond, followed by laps of the
park, typically 3 or 4 laps, or 5 for the more ambitious.
Warning: during the winter season, the park closes early and sometimes we must finish outside the park!

Every Thursday two meetings are proposed:
1) At the Alain Mimoun stadium for interval training on the track with our coach, we propose two
time slots :
      - 1st session from 7:25pm to 8:35pm
      - 2nd session from 8:25pm to 9:35pm
To access the locker rooms, come from 7pm or 8pm at Alain Mimoun stadium (15 rue de la Nouvelle
Calédonie, metro Porte Dorée, line 8). Otherwise, go directly to the stadium at 7:25pm or 8:25pm for the
2) At the Leo Lagrange Stadium two different workouts are proposed, both start at 7:25pm
      - Specific interval training (marathon or trail)
      - Run in Bois de Vincennes (we offer 3 runs : 7, 10 or 13km : check here for course maps)
To access the locker rooms, come from 7pm at the Léo Lagrange stadium (68 boulevard Poniatowski,
metro Porte de Charenton, line 8). We stard the circle at 7:25 pm.

Saturday morning runs start at 10am, the location changes every week:
- The 1st Saturday of the month, we meet at Bois de Vincennes, meeting point is at boat renting
We offer 3 runs :6, 9, 12 km (check here for course map)
- The 2nd Saturday of the month, we meet at Buttes-Chaumont park, meeting point is next to the
main entrance. The run, accessible to all levels, consists of two warm-up laps around the pond,
followed by laps of the park, typically 3 or 4 laps, or 5 for the more ambitious.
- The 3rd Saturday of the month, we meet at Bois de Vincennes, meeting point is at boat renting
. We offer 3 runs :6, 9, 12 km (check here for course map)
- The 4th Saturday of the month, we meet at Bois de Boulogne, meeting point is at route des
Sablons, first crossroad. We offer 3 runs : 3, 9 or 13km (check here for course map)
- The 5th Saturday of the month, we meet at Jardin du Luxembourg, meeting point is at the exit
of RER B (suburb train) across from rue Soufflot. The run consists of several laps of the park.

Sunday morning run is held in the same place as the Saturday of the same week (see above) and starts
at 10am.

Public Hollidays
For public holidays, a single meeting point: Pont Neuf in front of the former shop La Samaritaine at
10am (and 3pm January 1st).
The run starts along the right bank of the Seine to the Jardin des Plantes, then 2 or more laps of the
park and back through the left bank to Pont Neuf.

                                                                                                                 Welcome and Enjoy !!

Any question: contact us !


Next pages: Who are we? and Valentine's Day Run